Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Agua va

I usually show in this blog personal animation test. In this case I will change that today... I wanna show you something I did at work. It is only a little animation for a secondary action in one of the many scenes of the project we are working on... but also means I make my living doing what I love. Animation.

Usualmente muestro en este blog test personales de animación. Hoy voy a cambiar eso.
Se trata simplemente de una pequeña animación secundaria del proyecto en el que estamos trabajando pero tambien significa que me gano la vida haciendo lo que me gusta. Animando.

Monday, June 30, 2008

running the extra mile

I would say it is pretty rough but I think is ok. Hope you like it. Anyway as always critiques and comments are more than welcome.

Bastante poco pulido pero creo que esta bien. Espero que os guste. De cualquier manera como siempre criticas y comentarios son bien recibidos.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

vanilla walk cycle

I have lost the count of how many walk cycle I did but they aren't enought. In this case it is only a practice trying to sharp my skills in flipbook. Also I would like to start to write my entries not only in english also in spanish, my first language.

He perdido la cuenta de cuantos ciclos de caminado he hecho pero nunca son suficientes. En este caso se trata simplemente de una practica para afinar mis habilidades con flipbook. Tambien me gustaria aprovechar para empezar a escribir mis entradas en español, mi primera lengua.