Sunday, December 21, 2008

Update at least: "La dama en el umbral" awards

Ok these last three month in my new job had been really demanding (I'm having a blast anyway I must say), so I had left my poor blog unattended. Anyway I'll try to start to make updates more often I can't promise anything but I try. This time I came again with the full palmares in a old project I had lucky to work in. Thanks to Marcos Busatori another animator who work also in this shortfilm for post the list with the awards.

Premio al mejor cortometraje y nominación al Meliés de Oro:
Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival. Italia.

Premio especial del jurado:
Festival Internacional de cine de animación de Annecy 2008, Francia.

Premio al mejor corto de animación en:
VI Certamen de cortometrajes de la Diputación de Málaga.
Primavera Cinematográfica de Lorca.
Certamen de cortos de Dos Hermanas.
Festival de Cine de Cartagena.
Concurso de Cortos Animados de Villaviciosa, Asturias.
Premios ACE. Madrid.
Festival de Cine de Sant Joan d'Alacant.
Certamen de cortometrajes Radio City. Valencia.
V Festival de Cine de Alicante.
Segundo premio en el Festival de Valls.
Tercer premio en el Festival de Navas.

Mención especial del jurado:
Festival de cine español de Toulouse. Francia.
Festival Nacional de Cortometrajes de Villajoyosa.

Mejor guión adaptado:
XIV Concurso de cortos de Laguardia.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I usually don't post about any other people stuff in this blog, there are already many blogs out there that compilates talent and wisdom there is around the world (you can check some of them in my links). Anyway I'll make an exception today, that way I can post something in this blog since I don't have anything new to show yet, I keep working on something I would show you soon though.

Anyway let's go to the point. A friend of mine and former co-worker use to visit a blog where the amazing talented crew of Avalanche post his drawings. Well I discover today that there is another blog where animators from Avalanche also post their personal animation test. If you have time please check out because they are great pieces of animation.
Some of this guys are already working at Disney or Dreamworks they deserve it.

Normalmente no escribo acerca de material de otra gente en este blog, ya hay muchos blog que recopilan el talento y la sabiduria que hay en el mundo (podeis ver algun ejemplo en mi sección de links). En cualquier caso haré una excepción hoy, de esa manera puedo escribir al en este blog, ya que no tengo nuevo para mostrar todavia, aunque estoy trabajando en algo y os lo mostrare pronto.

En cualquier caso vamos al asunto. Un amigo mio y antiguo compañero de trabajo habitualmente visita un blog donde el alucinate grupo de Avalanche sube sus dibujos. Pues bien hoy descrubrí que existe otro blog donde los animadores de Avalanceh tambien suben sus test de animación. Si teneis tiempo echarle un vistazo porque realmente hay grandes piezas de animación.
Algunos de estos chicos ya están trabajando en disney o dreamworks. Mas que merecido.

Monday, August 25, 2008

New work in progress

Hey guys (and gals) this is something I'm working on right now. A friend of mine give some inputs I wanna try before to go further but I would like to show you what I have by now and I would really aprecciate all the feedback you could gave it to me before to go on. Thanks in advance.

Hola chicos ( y chicas) esto es algo en lo que estoy trabajando ahora. Un amigo me dio varios consejos que quiero probar antes de ir mas adelante pero tambien me gustaria mostraros lo que tengo hasta ahora y realmente me encantaria recibir todos los consejos y opiniones que podais darme antes de seguir adelante. Gracias por anticipado.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


The short film "La dama en el umbral" won Jury's special award in the Annecy Festival of 2008. I was responsible of part of the animation of this shortfilm and it is a real honor to have been awarded with this prize.

El corto "La dama en el umbral" ganó el premio especial del Jurado en el festival de Annecy de 2008. Soy autor de parte de la animación de este corto y es un verdadero honor haber sido galardonado con este premio.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Dive work in progress

Hi again! i don't like too much to have unattended this blog. So I'll post something I'm working on, is unfinished yet (some imbetweens in the main character and a lot in the table) anyway that give me the oportunity that if someone find things that are not working very well I will have the oportunity to fix it before to start with the 3d version. Actually I'm enjoying a lot the whole process in 2d specially because my computer is pretty slow with 3d applications hopefully I will get a new computer in a few weeks. By the way I'm on holidays so I also try to relax some before to come back work to have batteries full charged.

Pues nada ahora en español. Decía que no me gusta mucho tener este blog desatendido, así que voy a subir algo en lo que estoy trabajando, está inacabado (faltan intercalados en el personaje principal y un monton mas en la table) en cualquier caso esto me da la opotunidad de si alguien encuentra cosas que no estan funcionando muy bien, pues me dará la oportunidad de arreglarlas antes de pasar a la fase 3d.
De hecho estoy disfrutando mucho el trabajo en 2d especialmente porque mi ordenador es bastante lento con aplicaciones 3d, afortunadamente conseguiré un nuevo ordenador en unas semanas. Por cierto, esoty de vacaciones y también trataré de relajarme un poco y volver con las pilas cargadas al trabajo.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Basket Revisited

Finally I found the oportunity to work a bit more on this animation. So this is the last version, with some more polish in limbs and the landing. Hope you like it.

Finalmente encontre la ocasion de trabajar un poco mas en esta animación. Así que esta es la ultima versión, con algun refinado del movimiento de las extremidades y el añadido del aterrizaje. Espero que os guste.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Agua va

I usually show in this blog personal animation test. In this case I will change that today... I wanna show you something I did at work. It is only a little animation for a secondary action in one of the many scenes of the project we are working on... but also means I make my living doing what I love. Animation.

Usualmente muestro en este blog test personales de animación. Hoy voy a cambiar eso.
Se trata simplemente de una pequeña animación secundaria del proyecto en el que estamos trabajando pero tambien significa que me gano la vida haciendo lo que me gusta. Animando.

Monday, June 30, 2008

running the extra mile

I would say it is pretty rough but I think is ok. Hope you like it. Anyway as always critiques and comments are more than welcome.

Bastante poco pulido pero creo que esta bien. Espero que os guste. De cualquier manera como siempre criticas y comentarios son bien recibidos.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

vanilla walk cycle

I have lost the count of how many walk cycle I did but they aren't enought. In this case it is only a practice trying to sharp my skills in flipbook. Also I would like to start to write my entries not only in english also in spanish, my first language.

He perdido la cuenta de cuantos ciclos de caminado he hecho pero nunca son suficientes. En este caso se trata simplemente de una practica para afinar mis habilidades con flipbook. Tambien me gustaria aprovechar para empezar a escribir mis entradas en español, mi primera lengua.

Monday, June 23, 2008

basket wip.

It needs some tweaks here and there but I wanna upload something new because it had been a long time since the last update. I'm sorry but I have been quite busy lately.

I hope you enjoy, comments and critiques are more than welcome.

Friday, June 06, 2008


Again experimenting with color.

Monday, June 02, 2008

This one took me a while

So I spent several session of my lunch-break-sketching time to finish that one. I will try to chose something less complicate next time. Anyway I quite happy with the "final" result.

Monday, May 26, 2008


Hey, Lately I couldn't find too much time to sketch during the break at work. This is something I'm doing at hope while I'm rendering some stuff for my reel.

Still pretty rough ... and way off from the original IMO

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Experimenting with color

I would like to keep working in grey in my sketching practices for a while but I also wanna experiment some with color. The best thing by far I'm having a lot of fun.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lunch 2

Well I'm quite happy with this one. Thanks to all my coworkers for the advices, critiques, tips and bad jokes :D. This rapid sessions in lunch time are really fun.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Sometimes is difficult to have time to animate after work. Hopefully sketching is something that I can do in only a few minutes.

Monday, April 14, 2008


I have been thinking about it for a while, working as animator leave very few time to animate at home and work in your owns project, but a feel the necessity to tell something even if is a quick funny story... So I was thinking about a few ideas and I wasn't really sure about what to do. Model and rig new character it is not something I would like to spend to much time to focus on animation that is what I really enjoy. So finaly my wife remember me about a kind of story I started and never finished. I she told me why I never finished. So I decided to start again with it. Hopefully I will be using stewie rig provided for Animation Mentor (facial animation is not my priority in this story) and this way I could do something at home to fill my storytelling needs. There would be time to start with more complex and deep stories but I think this one would be ok to be the first one after a lot of time.

I spend a whole day with my planning and right now I'm animating one shot I hope to show you something in this blog.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fernando Alonso

"It doesn't matter what equipment we give him or what circumstances he finds himself in, he extracts the most from the car.
"That determination and drive is still there."

Renault technical director Bob Bell about Fernando Alonso.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


I found a simply animation tool for my DS Animanatee It's cool animate while you go in the bus or the subway.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Really funny pieces of animation

This weekend surfing the web I came across two specially funny pieces of animation.

The firt one is like a private joke from animators to animators. The stewie joke really cracked me up (Many animation students had had to deal with that huge head)

Please feel free to visit the website and blog of this really talented animator currently working in dreamworks.

The second one is a first chapter funny as hell with great characters and great animation. And I suppose incredible flexible rigs. Those faces gets deformated in a way that is really difficult to achive in cg animation.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


A coworker mock up me these days because the lack of updates in my poor blog. So I revised the links bar, I updated some links, still some are broken though.

By the way you can check my coworker blog
here He is a very talented drawer when he is not sleeping :))) (just a joke he is a hardworker but he struggles a lot in the morning like everyone :)) )


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Throwing ball

A little test I did in my spare time. Trying don't get too rusty in Maya now I'm animating in max at work.